Thursday 8 March 2012

Projected Visuals - New version

To make the sunglasses scene more interesting I have used red colour for the shades and played around with the blending options on Premiere Pro. Instead of having the image just in the glasses I have made it look more abstract with the film coming through parts of the of the face too. I prefer this a lot more.

Market Square, Blending Options - Hard Light

Statue, Market Square, Blending Options - Screen

Statue of Lion, Market Square, Blending Options - Screen

Broken Ice, Arboretum, Blending Options - Lighten

Pavement, Near Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, Blending Options - Overlay

Tree Bark, Arboretum, Blending Options - Exclusion

Church, Near Broadmarsh, Blending Options - Hard Light

Layered film, adjusted colours/levels and blending options

Eye and car wheel. Blending Options - Subtract

Out of focus face and scratches from toaster. Blending Options - Hard Light

Out of focus face, scratches from toaster and time lapse of clouds. Blending Options - Hard Light and Subtract

Steam from cup of tea, scratches from toaster and fish in tank. Blending Options - Hard Light and Hard Light

Steam from cup of tea and time lapse of stars. Blending Options - Hard Light

I have blended multiple layers of film which by themselves I don't think would be that interesting such as fish in a tank, steam from a cup of tea, scratches on a toaster, time lapse of the clouds, close up of eye and car wheel. I have experimented with colours and levels. I love the way the cup of tea looks like light from a planet in space, I think it looks really abstract and interesting.

Original images/film



Scratches on toaster

Out of focus face

Cup of tea

Fish tank

Draft Edit

I have made the silhouette with money falling in the background more interesting by creating a slow zoom using Premiere Pro.

Projected Visuals - More time lapses

Clouds Time Lapse

I have captured the clouds moving across the sky using the timer set to take a photograph every 4 seconds. I left it doing this for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The battery ran out half way through which is why it changes angle.

Tree Shadow Time Lapse

I sat underneath a tree in the arboretum with the camera set to take a photograph every 15 seconds. I left this for 1 hour and 30 minutes to capture the shadow move as the sun changes. I find this time lapse really interesting and is my favourite.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Projected Visuals more experiments

Star Time lapse test

I set the camera to a high exposure so it took 30 seconds to take each photograph in order to capture the stars. There was too much background light which is why its quite hard to see the stars but they are definitely moving. I set the timer to capture an image every 5 seconds after it took 30 seconds to take a photograph, I left it going for about 2 hours. This was my first time lapse experiment and I am going to try some other time lapses during the day time. The process is very time consuming and you have to be patient but sometimes the outcome is worth it.

Silhouette with gun experiment

I did some more work using the green screen, I filmed my friend walk to the center of the shot and turn holding out a gun and then walk towards the camera. I then used Premiere Pro to duplicate her and flip her the other way round, I also added copied it 2 more times so 4 of her walked towards the camera, turning the screen white. I played around with levels and the threshold effect to achieve the silhouette.
I captured a close up shot of her face as I used the fan to blow her hair, in the editing process I slowed this down, turned her into a silhouette and added some of my film footage within the silhouette. I used a close up shot of slow motion drips in a sink and a crack in the wall, I played around with levels to achieve an interesting, abstract style.

Original with repeat


Projected Visuals so far

Edit 1 (2 mins)

I have managed to solve the problem with the lines from the 7D by taking a still from the shot and use Premiere Pro to add a zoom and pan. I have added a silhouette handshake over the top of the figure with paintings within it, which I did simply playing around with levels and the threshold effect, which I have used to represent power and success. The paintings all show power such as the heavens, war and Moses who was in touch with god. I have created a still from an extreme close up of my dads eye and used the blending options to reveal a car wheel moving from the position of the iris which I think is abstract and interesting. I have cut together the green screen work I have done including the sunglasses which I did but editing a green colour over the top in Photoshop and have the film playing underneath as a different layer in Premiere Pro. I find this could be rather simple and not so exciting as it goes on for a long time so I could do something else to make it more interesting.


Edit 1

Edit 2

Projected Visuals Edit 2 (2 mins)

I have added an abstract shot of a coin spinning in slow motion layered with a compass, I like the way I have positioned them to fit over the top of each other. I have been experimenting with the levels, colour and blending options on Premiere Pro and have been creating more abstract experiments layering film.

Compass and coin





Blending Options - Screen