Thursday 27 October 2011

Say Something Political - Final Idea

I've decided to focus on empty spaces such as filming things we use in our everyday routine but with the person being absent. I want to film empty chairs etc. to try and create an atmosphere of someone who is missing, so the audience feel like they miss a character.
I have looked at the artist Rachel Whiteread who focuses on the negative spaces and creates moulds from them. Here is some of her work:




Here is my storyboard for my final idea:

Thursday 20 October 2011

Say Something Political - working out the structure

For my advert I would like to create a range of artistic shots and close ups. I would like to hopefully create a time lapse of people walking down the street which I think would look really interesting with a background music track. I would like to show people fading into the distance and silhouettes that blur to clearly show how people just disappear and that its so hard to find them. I would like to show close ups of hands touching empty spaces such as beds and chairs which represents the missing person, as well as hands covering the eyes and mouth to show someone upset. I am still unsure whether to make my ad completely factual, with videos from the missing people charity and narration or make it an artistic piece of work with just lines of text on each shot to get people thinking about the issue.  At the end of my ad I would like to show several close ups of peoples faces saying "help me brother, my son etc." but only show the nose and mouth, keeping the identities hidden because if I'm using my friends seeing the whole of their faces could make it hard to take seriously. After this shot I want to show a reunion as a close up of a hug which I think would show how important it all is.

These are my storyboards

Say Something Political - videos to use?

Missing People Charity videos I could use in my ad

(1:05 - 1:27)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Say Something Political ideas

Here are some rough sketches of some of my ideas. I'm thinking of creating an artistic but factual advert with lots of quick cutting of my shots, news stories and factual information.

Bottom sketch is inspired by the recent Cancer Research ad (0.30)

Say Something Political - inspiration

Missing People Charity
From this website I could use the images of the people who are currently missing in my film and advertise their charity.

Here are some videos I found of youtube which are my inspiration for the project.

Missing People Organisation Video (2010)
I could include this charity in my advert.

BBC Appeal
I could use clips from the news in my film

Time Lapse video
I would like to create a time lapse of people walking around the city. Here is an example of a time lapse.

Say Something Political - mind map

I have made a mind map of ideas for this project. My favourite idea is about "Missing People" as this is an important issue to my family because my uncle is missing. I would like to show some of the organisations that can help as well as creating an artistic film to show the issue.

Ideas for missing people advert
  • Look at organisations that can help
  • Talk about own personal issue ???
  • Photographs of faces/people who are currently missing
  • Create a story to illustrate the issue
  • Typography - Bold "MISSING"
  • Montage of images, text and photographs
  • Shots of crowds - Time Lapse
  • People fading into the distance, disappearing
  • Person holds blank poster over face and when removed face appears on the "MISSING" poster
  • Shadows/silhouettes of people
  • People sitting next to empty chairs/spaces

Company Analysis - Context 2

I have created a mind map of film production companies around nottingham and norwich. I have researched companies around the area I am for uni and where I am at home. I will use this for my "Company Analysis" report for context 2 and will try and contact some of these companies to see if I can get some work.

Monday 17 October 2011



Fade in from black: white text on black background:

Courage is the belief that there is
something more important than personal safety

Fade to black


HE is sweating. Hard.
SHE stands impassive. Unconcerned.

HE rubs his wrist and we see HE is chained to the chair.

(Bright. Breezy)
Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink?
Never too late to change your mind.

I swear, I swear. Please. Stop. Please?

(placing a briefcase in front of the chair)
Shush. Be quite quiet. It will no longer be necessary to

I swear…

Shush, shush.
(popping open the case)
I have here a malac. God it’s beautiful.
Could you hold him please?

MAN steps out of the shadows and forces HE’s hand

Don’t. Don’t. I swear.

MALacs. Now no more shall we part on this path of truth we
find ourselves on.

Playing with the MALac in the case, its metallic sheen
plays on SHE’s face.

Pain, enlightening truth. This is what MALac brings.
Shall we continue?

SHE removes the MALac and shutting the case she steps

HE screams.



Fade in from black: white text on black background:
Courage is the belief that there is
something more important than personal safety
Fade to black
HE is sweating. Hard.
SHE stands impassive. Unconcerned.
HE rubs his wrist and we see HE is chained to the bed.
(Bright. Breezy)
Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink?
Never too late to change your mind.
I swear, I swear. Please. Stop. Please?
(looking over to the knife, hammer, elastic band and nails)
Shush. Be quite quiet. It will no longer be necessary to
I swear I’ve done nothing… why are you doing this to me?
Shush, shush.
(walks over to the tools)
Your going to want to tell the truth.
Where is she?
Man: what are you talking about, I’ve done nothing?
She walks over to him with a blade and elastic band
Don’t. Don’t. I swear.
You’re going to want to stay still for this kind of procedure!
He: FUCK YOU i don’t know anything.... please just let me go.
MALacs. Now no more shall we part on this path of truth we find ourselves on.
Her: Playing with the knife, walks slowly towards him
HE: Wait wait, please you don’t have to do this
HE:  I don’t know, im telling you the fucking truth
SHE moves closer towards him
Fade out
HE screams.

We changed the script so instead of the malac being an object of some sort it's a girl who has gone missing. The guy has been kidnapped because she believes she has her hidden. We thought this could be a lot more dramatic and carry more suspense.
I was in charge of the lighting but we all had a go trying each role such as using the camera and recording the sound.
Our story was a guy that goes to the pub, meets a girl, gets drugged and wakes up hangdcuffed to a bed whilst she is interrogating him about a missing girl. She threatens him with a knife throughout the scene.
We all decided to do an edit, I decided to show some quick cuts of the guy getting ready and drinking at the pub with some simple background beats. I used a scary atmospheric background sound for when he is chained to the bed which I think works well.