To make the sunglasses scene more interesting I have used red colour for the shades and played around with the blending options on Premiere Pro. Instead of having the image just in the glasses I have made it look more abstract with the film coming through parts of the of the face too. I prefer this a lot more.
Market Square, Blending Options - Hard Light

Statue, Market Square, Blending Options - Screen
Statue of Lion, Market Square, Blending Options - Screen
Broken Ice, Arboretum, Blending Options - Lighten
Tree Bark, Arboretum, Blending Options - Exclusion
Church, Near Broadmarsh, Blending Options - Hard Light
Layered film, adjusted colours/levels and blending options
Eye and car wheel. Blending Options - Subtract
Out of focus face and scratches from toaster. Blending Options - Hard Light
Out of focus face, scratches from toaster and time lapse of clouds. Blending Options - Hard Light and Subtract
Steam from cup of tea, scratches from toaster and fish in tank. Blending Options - Hard Light and Hard Light
Steam from cup of tea and time lapse of stars. Blending Options - Hard Light
I have blended multiple layers of film which by themselves I don't think would be that interesting such as fish in a tank, steam from a cup of tea, scratches on a toaster, time lapse of the clouds, close up of eye and car wheel. I have experimented with colours and levels. I love the way the cup of tea looks like light from a planet in space, I think it looks really abstract and interesting.
Original images/film
Scratches on toaster
Out of focus face
Cup of tea
Fish tank
Draft Edit
I have made the silhouette with money falling in the background more interesting by creating a slow zoom using Premiere Pro.